Added 12/09/2001 - I Can't Land This, A song about drugs and our first ever hit
They Had To Eat Food
Little Sahara1.9 Meg, 4:14 MP3 File
If you plant potatoes you will get potatoes
Who? Little Sahara
I'd have her waiting table by the time she's twenty.
If you plant potatoes you will get potatoes
Who? Little Sahara
Bring2.6 Mb 5:40 Mp3 fileHold my breath for me awhile I try to get my legs to hold me steady there was something I was supposed to do tomorrow, run on sentence I knew better last time also. Another favour for the taller sister dilettante
I run a tight ship sinking and no one runs for cover
Bring, bring, bring me silver Hold the fort a little tighter I am getting anxious. Create a border between disappointment and that appointment. Sixty-nothing, well, I didn't ask you didn't offer. A rich kid primadonna, two year tits and charm piranha.
I run a tight ship sinking and no one runs for cover.
I Never Meant2.0 Mb 4:32 Mp3 file
I never meant to take heroin I didn't want this pain to begin Now I got a social disease, now I'm drowning in a sea of misery
I never meant to take LSD. I'll never live to a hundred and three Now I got a mental disease, now I'm drowning in a sea of misery
I never meant to hit the big man. I didn't want to see him sent to the can Now I got a disability, now I'm drowning in a sea of misery.
Where Did The Kid Go?1.8 Mb 4:03 Mp3 file
Every day I wake up. Every day I fake it
Flying my spitfire I think I'll take it higher
You need money to get along, now's no time to be singing some song
I wish that I was five, surrounded by brothers and sisters
You need money to get along, now's no time to be singing some song
Don't want to get out of bed. Don't want to wash my hair
N.F.B.S.G.(National Film Board Security Guard)1.6 Mb 3.30 Mp3 file
I am the National Film Board Security Guard
Now that I'm on U.I. I sit at home alone and I cry
I miss my coffee breaks. I miss staying awake
And though I'm all alone, I don't feel alone
I am the National Film Board Security Guard
I am the National Film Board Security Guard
The Greatest Story Ever Told2.4 Mb 5:12 Mp3 file
These Four are Fantastic.
The damage is so extensive, I don't know how much longer you'll live
Meanwhile in the alpines of Latvia
The damage is so extensive, I don't know how much longer you'll live
2.0 Mb 4:49 Mp3 fileHear me cry. Samantha when I got back home from the Oscars I was so shocked to find your note on my doorstep, believe you me salty tears filled my eyes. And though elated from the zest and the zeal of the major metropolitan American event, I have to admit, you decapitated a piece of my heart. Samantha, I know you have to be free, I know you have to pursue your life-long dreams of being a famous European fashion designer. But Samantha, that doesn't stop me from waking up in the middle of the night calling your name, holding the phone and dialing a number that no longer exists 253-6769 Hoooo Samantha, Samantha, Samantha, Samantha Hear me cry Samantha I remember the first time we met in that black and white photo gallery in New York City and we were studying pictures of landscapes and a picture of the moon seemed to bewitch us both. We went back to my penthouse later that night for a fine Szechuan stir-fry and a beautiful bottle of brandy. But now, Samantha, I sit at home alone, no more stir-fries, no more brandy, I drink ale and eat pretzels. But Samantha, that doesn't stop me from waking up in the middle of the night calling your name, holding the phone and dialing a number that no longer exists 253-6769 Hoooo Samantha, Samantha, Samantha, Samantha
Deadeye DickColes Notes version of the book the same name.2.3 Mb, 5:00 Mp3 file Mommy said that radiation would kill herBut it didn't even bother her all those brain tumours She still had the time to critique the arts center And now I am wealthy cuz my mommy was poisoned.
Daddy said I can use the gunroom any time I like
Then I had murdered a mother and child
All selections © bank-b-gone, for licencing contact publishing@bank-b-gone.com
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